CURRENT ESTIMATED TURN AROUND TIME IS 3-5+ WEEKS. Rush orders are 50% of the total price. Please note: individual turnround times may vary due to complexity of orders.
Find commission queue updates here:
odduckOasis' Commission Form
Please provide all information listed below.
Please allow up to 2-3 days for a response, especially if you contact me on the weekends.
• A detailed description of what you want for your commission and any references you have.
• Include your platform username.
• Provide contact information and preference (email, and/or discord name).
• What platform you need the work for (if for streaming).
• Please wait for me to reply to you for confirmation that I took your commission.
• Please give me your paypal email address so I can invoice you.
• Do not send me any money first. I will not accept donations or bribes for rushing work. (I am not offering the option of rush orders at this time).
• Please make sure you have read the Terms of Service to know everything you're agreeing to before you contact me for a commission; You agree to the ToS by sending me a form and making a commission request.
The Commission Process Guide (How to order)
- Gather all your references and details before filling out the form so they are ready to be provided in the chosen communication method.
- If I have accepted your order, I will get in contact with you to give a quote and estimated turnaround timeframe for your commission.
- When an agreement is reached, I will send an invoice to your Paypal* and add you to my commission queue. I will not start on any work until your invoice has been paid. -Please note- I start commissions in order of who has paid first.
- When your sketch is completed, I will send those for you to review. I will also provide a flat-colored sketch to give you a better idea of what the finished look will be. Minor adjustments will be made at this stage with your feedback.
- After sketch is approved, I will finish your commission ASAP.
- When your commissions is completed, I will provide a screenshot for your one last final review and approval. Note- any edits requested that require me to redraw any portion of your commission will incur an editing fee. Minor adjustments such as changing the color(s) or shade are always free.
- When the final product is finished, I will package your commission file(s) in a folder and upload it to google drive (or email, if preferred)- I will provide a complimentary watermarked display card safe for social media upload.
*Payment is made through Paypal only, no exceptions. No other methods of pay will be accepted.
**Other payment methods may be offered in the future, but for now, only Paypal is being used.
Terms of Service
My full terms of service can be found on this page: Terms of Service
Upon commissioning me, you hereby accept these terms as stated in the page linked above.
By consenting to the ToS, you understand there are no refunds once work begins- and your commission will be completed 2-5+ weeks AFTER payment is received and processed- if no deadline has been previously set and agreed upon.
Would you like your commission to be rushed for 50% of your commission total? (added on at the end)
Rushed priority commissions are completed within 5-7 business days after the payment invoice is received. Large orders may require more time to complete. (Note: I do not work weekends). Please remember, I am not a robot and cannot work faster.
If no, leave unchecked.
Commission Types
Please choose which kind of commission you are submitting for- either an illustration or Streaming artwork (ie emote/badge).
In regards to the streaming section, when you fill out the description field, please provide how many you are ordering so I can estimate your end price properly. Please note again- larger orders will take more time.
Prices are subject to change due to complexity. Additional info on pricing is listed on my Pricing page.